Our Store is an interactive service offered through an electronic page on the Internet that offers (information about business, culture, etc.) from the integration of various sources of information. Access to the Store represents the express and unrestricted acceptance of the terms of use described below. If you do not agree with the terms, please do not access or use this website. The visitor may use this site only for lawful purposes. This space may not be used to publish, send, distribute or disclose content or information of a defamatory, obscene or illicit nature, including information owned exclusively by other people or companies, as well as registered trademarks or information protected by copyright, without the express authorization of the holder of such rights. Furthermore, the visitor may not use the store's website to obtain or disclose personal information, including Internet addresses, about the site's users.

The Store strives to maintain the quality, currency and authenticity of the information on the website, but its creators and collaborators are not responsible for any failures in the services or inaccuracy of the information provided. The user should not assume that such services and information are error-free or will be suitable for their particular purposes. The creators and collaborators also do not assume the

commitment to updating information, and reserve the right to change the conditions of use or prices of the services and products offered on the website at any time.

Access to the store's website is free of charge. The store may create areas of exclusive access for its customers or specially authorized third parties.

The creators and collaborators of the store may, at their sole discretion and at any time, modify or deactivate the website, as well as limit, cancel or suspend its use or access. These Terms of Use may also be changed at any time. Please visit this page regularly and review the then current Terms. Some provisions of these Terms may be superseded by express legal terms or notices located on certain pages of this website.


The documents, information, images and graphics published on this website may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Under no circumstances shall the store and/or its respective suppliers be liable for any direct or indirect damage resulting from the impossibility of use, loss of data or profits, resulting from access and performance of the website, the services offered or information available on this website. Access to the services, materials, information and facilities contained on this website does not guarantee their quality.


The materials are provided on this website without any express or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. In no event shall the store or its collaborators be liable for any damages, including lost profits, business interruption, or loss of information that result from the use of or inability to use the materials. The store does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information, text, graphics, links and other items of the materials.

The store is not responsible for the content of the articles and information published here, since the texts are written by third parties and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the website.

The store is also not responsible for copyright infringement resulting from information, documents and materials published on this website, and undertakes to remove them from the air as soon as it is notified of the infringement.


Any material, information, articles or other communications that are transmitted, sent or published on this site will be considered non-confidential information, and any violation of the rights of its creators will not be the responsibility of the store. It is strictly forbidden to transmit, exchange or publish, through this website, any material of an obscene, defamatory or illegal nature, as well as texts or creations of

third parties without the author's authorization. The store reserves the right to restrict access to information sent by third parties to its users.

The store may, but is not obligated to, monitor, review and restrict access to any area on the site where users transmit and exchange information among themselves, including, but not limited to, chat rooms, message centers or other message or communication facilities, and may remove or deny access to any such information or communications. However, the store is not responsible for the content of any information exchanged between users, whether legal or illegal.

When making a purchase, the customer authorizes the use of their data in the acquisition, intermediation and shipping of material goods.


The sites indicated are not under the control of the store, which is not responsible for the content of any other website indicated or accessed through the store. The store reserves the right to eliminate any link or direction to other sites or services. The store does not endorse companies or products indicated, accessed or advertised through this website, nor the advertisements published here, reserving the right to publish this alert on its electronic pages whenever it considers necessary.


The documents, content and creations contained in this website belong to their creators and collaborators. The authorship of the content, material and images displayed in the store is protected by national and international laws. They may not be copied, reproduced, modified, published, updated, posted, transmitted or distributed in any way without prior written authorization from the store.

The images contained in this website are incorporated herein for viewing purposes only and, unless expressly authorized in writing, may not be saved or downloaded. Reproduction or storage of materials retrieved from this service will subject offenders to the penalties of the law. The name of the website, its logo, the domain name for Internet access, as well as all characteristic elements of the technology developed and presented herein, in the form of the articulation of databases, constitute registered trademarks and private intellectual property and all rights arising from their registration are guaranteed by law. Some rights of use may be assigned to the store in a contract or special license, which may be canceled at any time if its terms are not complied with.

The store's trademarks may only be used publicly with express authorization. The use of these trademarks in advertising and product promotion must be adequately informed.


The store respects the intellectual property of others and we ask our members to do the same.

Any and all copyright infringements must be notified to the store and accompanied by documents and information confirming authorship. Notification may be sent via the e-mails listed on the website or by post to the website address.


This site is controlled and operated by the store and does not guarantee that the content or materials are available for use in other locations. Access is prohibited from territories where the content is considered illegal. Those who choose to access this site from other locations do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws. The materials must not be used or exported in violation of Brazilian export laws. Any disputes regarding the materials will be settled by Brazilian laws. Access to the store represents the express and unrestricted acceptance of the terms of use described above.


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